Express analysis for locating objects is fast and efficient, spatial data based way, to choose the best possible location, for industrial purposes as an example. Based on the results from the express analysis, it is easy to assess the overall suitability of the proposed location for planned purposes and suggestions about next stages of the development process can be given.

The purpose of the location express analysis is to find the best location from possible options for developments or expansions. This is done by analysing the surrounding environment and existing spatial plans and considering the restrictions from legal regulations.

This method gives assessments about objective aspects, institutional and social factors are not considered. Onsite surveys and public discussions are also not part of this service.

  • When to apply?
  • How does it work?
  • Types of express analyses
  • Reference

Express analysis is suitable for initial location selection and risk analysis for enterprises and developments with significant environmental impact (industrial and infrastructure objects, as well as large real estate developments).It is advisable to carry out express analysis in the first stage of the development, before planning and impact assessment processes. In addition to the suitable location suggestion, the analysis gives initial information about the potential conflicts that might arise in the development area. This helps with the planning of next actions.Express analysis for locating objects can also be part of a spatial plan, impact assessment or business plan. The method can not replace an actual risk analysis, it can precede it (defining the feasibility/need) or be a part of it.

Express analysis for locating objects could be used for:

  • Developing or expanding production areas;
  • Specifying development potential for land owners and developers;
  • Defining suitable industrial or residential development areas for local municipalities.